How to get from Wisconsin to Idaho by bus, plane, train or car
The cheapest way to get from Wisconsin to Idaho costs only $295, and the quickest way takes just 6 hours. Find the travel option that best suits you.
Distance from Wisconsin to Idaho - Distance Calculator
The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Wisconsin and Idaho is 2,076 km or 1,290 miles. If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from Wisconsin to Idaho, It takes 2.3 hours to arrive.
Distance from Wisconsin to Idaho
The distance by car is 1510 miles or 2430 km. Get driving directions from Wisconsin to Idaho.
How to get from Idaho to Wisconsin by plane, bus, train or car
Find all the transport options for your trip from Idaho to Wisconsin right here. Rome2Rio displays up to date schedules, route maps, journey times and estimated fares from relevant transport operators, ensuring you can make an informed decision about which option will suit you best.
Cost of living in Idaho (US) compared to Wisconsin (US)
Wisconsin is 7.3% more expensive than Idaho. The cost of childcare, groceries, clothing, housing, and transportation in Wisconsin are more expensive than in Idaho. Expenses including restaurants and entertainment and sports are lower in Wisconsin. If you lived in Wisconsin instead of Idaho, you would: Show 1 more.. Show 8 more.. Show 1 more..
Driving Distance from Wisconsin to Idaho - Travelmath
How far is it to drive from Wisconsin (WI) to Idaho (ID)? View a map with the driving distance between Wisconsin and Idaho to calculate your road trip mileage.
Driving Time from Wisconsin to Idaho - Travelmath
How long does it take to drive from Wisconsin (WI) to Idaho (ID)? View a map with the drive time between Wisconsin and Idaho to plan the duration of your next road trip.
Wisconsin to Idaho Falls - 9 ways to travel via train, plane, bus, …
The cheapest way to get from Wisconsin to Idaho Falls costs only $338, and the quickest way takes just 7¼ hours. Find the travel option that best suits you.
Distance from Idaho to Wisconsin - Travelmath
The total driving distance from Idaho to Wisconsin is 1,510 miles or 2 430 kilometers. The total straight line flight distance from Idaho to Wisconsin is 1,230 miles.
$72 CHEAP FLIGHTS from Wisconsin to Idaho | KAYAK
Find flights to Idaho from $72. Fly from Wisconsin on Spirit Airlines, Sun Country Air, Delta and more. Search for Idaho flights on KAYAK now to find the best deal.