Lima-Allen County Family Promise is the only shelter in the area that keeps families together during homelessness.
With more states legalizing gambling and mobile apps and websites making it more accessible than ever, sports betting ...
None of it would be possible with the work of Thomasine Allen, whose legacy has been captured in a new project spearheaded by Franklin College students. The Thomasine Allen Online Collection ...
The crash remains under investigation by police, the Allen County Coroner’s Office and the Allen County Prosecutor’s Office.
Stephenson resident Lance Allen on Tuesday announced his bid to represent the Stonewall District on the Frederick County ...
Dee Allen knows the pain of growing up with the realities of domestic violence and housing instability. As a child, she, her ...
A protest was held at the Allen County courthouse Wednesday afternoon to protest a variety of issues relating to President Donald Trump and his administration.
Topics included immigration, the LGBTQ+ community and abortion, the latter of which saw people from both sides in attendance.
The Resilience Collaborative of the United Way of Harrison and Doddridge Counties coordinated a street count of homeless individuals Wednesday night with a point-in-time count.
More than 10 local organizations came together at Allen County's first No Wrong Door event to collaborate, network and work together to better serve the community. The event aims to familiarize ...
Conspiracies that have a strong following but divide Shasta County resurfaced again at a public Board of Supervisors meeting.
A sworn affidavit filed by the Decatur Police Department about the case said Allen and a then 15-year-old partner in the ...