Amidst a political current of polarity and extremity, “Captain America: Brave New World,” directed by Julius Onah, endeavors ...
Laura Karpman has worked on a number of recent Marvel projects, including "Captain America: Brave New World." The ...
Brave New World underwent major reshoots--but some of the changes may have been for the better of the Marvel Cinematic ...
The 'Brave New World' filmmaker also shares what he learned from test screenings, and honing the post-credits tag after the ...
The latest installment in the "Captain America" franchise feels thematically confused and clumsy in its execution.
Brave New World includes multiple hidden Easter eggs and references to various future projects that will excite Marvel fans!
Sam Wilson proves himself worthy of the title Captain America, showcasing strengths Steve Rogers lacked. Sam's ability to communicate with people of color, fly, and use gadgets sets him apart from ...
Steve Rogers' actions repeatedly demonstrated that he will always value moral decisions above blind obedience to directives. Through ten vital instances, Captain America showed his defiance of ...
There’s an American desire for Black people to lead the charge when it comes to effecting change, and now even a Black ...
Where Bucky’s brief tenure as Captain America seemed like part of his redemption arc that would end in him becoming a heroic Winter Soldier, Sam feels like he’s finally found his place as ...
Brave New World has passed a couple of domestic and global box office milestones, but the movie is going to have its work cut ...