Then all the tax collectors and the sinners drew near to Him to hear Him. And the Pharisees and scribes complained, saying, “This Man receives sinners and eats with them.” ...
There will be a Lenten Lunch every Wednesday during Lent at noon, at First United Methodist Church in Romney. Meals will be prepared by different churches each week. Please log in, or sign up for a ...
In years past, I’ve had the opportunity to explore the property soon to become a resort north of Romney. (“Rainbow on the Horizon,” Feb. 12 Review.) With the acquisition of ...
As the Hampshire High-School community bids farewell to Hott they celebrate her influence and commitment to nurturing open-minded, globally-conscious students. Her legacy is a testament to the power ...
Celebrating 25 years of cultural exchange ...
Our older children came home last weekend to join us for a live theater production. Having all five Savages together has ...
Weather is an enigma to me. I am hard pressed to tell you whether March came in like a lion or a lamb. It wasn’t as cold and nasty as it had been, so compared to the windy, cold, miserable weather ...
St. Patrick’s Day was first celebrated in America in 1762, when homesick Irish soldiers organized a parade. The parade included Irish music, complete with drums and bagpipes. Ireland has some ...
Madness is upon us, and if you're filling out a bracket, which group of seeds do you expect to see a National Champion reign from? Check out this week's ...
First in a multi-part series appearing throughout the year about the creatures, plants and people in and around. For this ...
The Hampshire boys’ basketball team officially kicked off their playoff run this past weekend when they welcomed long-time ...