Captain America: Brave New World brought back some old faces to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), as well as introducing new villains like Sidewinder, though this iteration is very different ...
Captain America: Brave New World had a lot of issues living up to its potential, but some recently revealed concept art for ...
Brave New World includes multiple hidden Easter eggs and references to various future projects that will excite Marvel fans!
Phase 5 of the MCU ends with Captain America: Brave New World and Thunderbolts, setting up characters for the future. Giancarlo Esposito joins the MCU as Sidewinder in Brave New World ...
The Serpent Society finally makes its proper live-action movie debut in Captain America: Brave New World, led by the nefarious Seth Voelker/Sidewinder (Giancarlo Esposito).First appearing in the ...
STEVE ROGERS MAY have retired, but the Dream never dies, not with Captain America there to defend it. After spending the entirety of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier coming to terms with the legacy, ...
saying it had the standard amount for "all of these movies" Captain America: Brave New World - The comic history of Giancarlo Esposito's mysterious villain Sidewinder Captain America: Brave New ...
However, Sidewinder seems to have a very personal grudge against Captain America that’s never adequately explained. He admits as much when he reveals that he would have happily killed Sam for free.
Brave New World’ delivers exciting action and familiar characters, it fails to offer anything new or meaningful, ...
After a series of duds, the superhero universe rebounds with a fast-paced adventure featuring strong work by Anthony Mackie ...
Brave New World to be a palate cleanser — one that remembers and builds on the events of Marvel’s other recent features. The film does a serviceable job of establishing a new status quo, but it ...