but the celebration came with its challenges thanks to Hippie spirit, Flower (Sheila Carrasco). Usually playing a pretty low-key role, Flower’s moment of mental clarity in this episode leads to ...
“It’s the End of the World as We Know It and What Were We Talking About?” but the celebration came with its challenges thanks to Hippie spirit, Flower (Sheila Carrasco).
but the celebration came with its challenges thanks to hippie spirit Flower (Sheila Carrasco). Usually playing a pretty low-key role, Flower had a moment of mental clarity in this episode that led ...
Then came Ghosts (US), a sitcom about a woman who has a near-death experience, gains the ability to see ghosts, and finds herself sharing her home with a group of eccentric spirits. The premise had ...
Flower (Sheila Carrasco) and Thor (Devan Chandler Long) first became official back in Season 2. While stuck in a ghost trap (long story), they end up professing their love for each other.
Sheila Carrasco, Asher Grodman, Devan Chandler Long, Rebecca Wisocky, and Román Zaragoza. Also, we’d guess that recurring stars like Caroline Aaron and Betsy Sodaro will likely be back ...