Come abbiamo scritto, il Consiglio dei Ministri ha approvato venerdì scorso lo schema di disegno di legge recante “Introduzione del delitto di femminicidio e altri interventi normativi per il contrast ...
Particularly striking was the killing of Giulia Cecchettin, the 22-year-old university student brutally stabbed by her former boyfriend Filippo Turetta in November 2023. Last December, Turetta was ...
the 22-year-old university student brutally stabbed by her former boyfriend Filippo Turetta in November 2023. Last December, Turetta was sentenced to life imprisonment. Recent studies show that ...
Gino Cecchettin, padre di Giulia, barbaramente uccisa a 22 anni dal suo ex fidanzato Filippo Turetta, oggi al timone della Fondazione che porta il nome della figlia, ha rilasciato un’intervista a Il C ...
Particularly striking was the killing of Giulia Cecchettin, the 22-year-old university student brutally stabbed to death by her former boyfriend Filippo Turetta in November 2023. Last December ...
Particularly striking was the killing of Giulia Cecchettin, the 22-year-old university student brutally stabbed to death by her former boyfriend Filippo Turetta in November 2023. Last December, ...