Our Living Lands Producer Daniel Spaulding sat down with Taylar Stagnar to talk about her reporting on the connection between ...
California fires’ disparate impacts on students offer lessons for how schools should prepare for climate disasters across the ...
In one way or another, from the inception of the character Superman has always been a champion of the oppressed and a hero ...
I have seen the horrors of this three-year war unfold first-hand, writes Bel Trew, and the Russification of occupied Ukraine ...
As the Indian government finalizes its blue economy policy, there is a clear case for open, inclusive, and transparent ...
The number that said their feelings about climate change hurt their daily lives ... she said scrolling though images of the devastation can "exacerbate some of those negative emotions." ...
NOAA scientists fired without explanation from the Monterey, California, office explain how their work is important to the ...
The interminable character of this threat makes climate crisis distinct to other crises. In Holgersen’s words: “Economic ...
Neither Porto Alegre, Brazil, nor Valencia, Spain, are in the news this week. But they have been before, and almost certainly ...
In an attempt to rise from the ashes, neighbors who lost their homes in the wildfires joined artists to create a mural using ...
Ali said by shutting down the agency and freezing funds Trump ignored congressional authority when he “unilaterally” ...
Cameron M. Smith, 50, a Canadian who wanted to bring more attention to climate change, was also ordered to pay $2.1 million ...