The Church gives us the holy season of Lent each year to help us to step back, to slow down and take stock of our lives.
A few stray observations while the bumbling fool and Putin tool that some of your cousins elected president last year tanks the economy, fires your cousin, and alienates the last of our remaining ...
Last week on Ash Wednesday the words are spoken to many people who seek to follow Jesus – “Remember you are dust and to dust ...
In other words, the wise person would take stock of his/her mortality and become wise as to how he/she lives his/her life.
Air Force Academy allowed Muslim cadets to skip the physical portion of training during Ramadan, reversing an earlier ...
Drivers will face a day time road closure in Back O'Hill Road as work gets set to begin to remove diseased Ash trees from the ...
Growing divisions split the American Jewish community between those defending Israel and concerned with Jewish safety, and ...
The season of Lent is upon us. The Capon Bridge United Methodist Church held the charge’s joint Ash Wednesday service on March 5, at 7 p.m.
The exceptionally strong winds the evening of Ash Wednesday did not stop folks from attending Jackson Center Presbyterian Church, where a Lenten cross has been place beside ...
At Downey Medical Center, the hospital and staff are committed not only caring for the patient’s physical, emotional and ...
The Cassville Art Club will host a fundraiser on March 22 from 11 a.,m. to 3 p.m. at Zone 4 Mini Golf and More, located at 16007 Hwy. 76 in Cassville. The Club is raising funds to attend a Broadway ...