Simone McCarthy, CNN Si cada país se pusiera a sí mismo en primer lugar, volvería la “ley de la selva”, dijo este viernes el ministro de Asuntos Exteriores de China, Wang Yi, en respuesta a una pregun
Along with fulminating against the United States, China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi reasserted China’s South China Sea claims, blasted Japan for its past aggression and covered a wide range of other issues during his annual meeting with the press.
Along with fulminating against the United States, China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi reasserted China’s South China Sea claims, blasted Japan for its past aggression and covered a wide range of other is
China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi said China will retaliate to the United States’ “arbitrary tariffs” and accused Washington of “meeting good with evil.”
China’s top foreign affairs official, Wang Yi, cast his country as a force for peace and order even as Beijing provokes its neighbors and fuels trade tensions.
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said China will continue to retaliate to the United States’ “arbitrary tariffs.”
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said China will retaliate to the United States' "arbitrary tariffs" and accused Washington of "meeting good with evil."
Figures released by China’s customs administration on Friday showed exports expanded 2.3 per cent in dollar terms in January and February compared with the same period last year, while imports shrank 8.
China’s foreign minister Wang Yi criticised US President Donald Trump as “two-faced” over escalating trade tensions, as official data showed the country’s export growth decelerated and imports fell into contraction in the first two months of 2025.
From Wang Yi at the ‘two sessions’ to a visual guide to Xi Jinping and Donald Trump’s key people, here’s a round-up from today’s China coverage.