Mediaeval and early modern Poland was incredibly and uniquely heterogeneous in terms of ethnicity, language, culture and religion. Its territory was constantly shifting, unpredictably including or ...
In one episode, a map is shown detailing where Nazi camps were located in modern Poland, which according to the letter from Morawiecki to CEO Reed Hastings does not reflect the true nature of ...
The Modern Classics catalogue will be presented to the public ... of foreign translations of Polish literature created as part of the Translatorski Program ©POLAND. The Polish Modern Classics are part ...
But the "hatred" between the two men "runs much deeper" than this election, said The Economist; their feud is "almost as old as modern Poland and has come to define much of its politics".
“We’d like you to get to know the modern Poland, including Polish cuisine and jazz,” Magierowski said. “When Israelis return from a first-time visit to Poland, they say that they had ...